Do Explain with Christofer Lövgren

#57 - [Half Episode] Truth and Abstractions, with David Deutsch and Jake Orthwein

Christofer Lövgren

Christofer speak with physicist David Deutsch and Jake Orthwein about the logical concept of truth. They discuss the reality of abstractions, how representations get their meaning, the difference between biological evolution and the evolution of ideas, how emotions aren't theories, and more.

Note: This is only the first half of the conversation, the full episode can be found on Patreon (

David Deutsch is a Visiting Professor of Physics at the Centre for Quantum Computation at Oxford University and the author of two books: 'The Fabric of Reality' and 'The Beginning of Infinity'. He works on fundamental issues in physics, particularly the quantum theory of computation and information, and constructor theory.

Twitter: @DavidDeutschOxf

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